Lissa Ramirez-Stapleton, Ph.D.
Image by Kayla Kosaki
IG: yukieillustrates

I am the descendant of free and enslaved Blacks and a ninth generation American. I am the granddaughter of Julius Nelson Pitts and Addie B. Pitts and Donald Stapleton and Josephine Stapleton. The daughter of Maddy Stapleton and Dennis Stapleton. Born and raised in Columbus, Ohio. I'm the oldest of three. As a first generation college student, I worked my way through school. I love the movies, taking long walks, hosting friends, and connecting with family. I met my wife in Germany and after losing touch our paths crossed again seven years later and we have been together ever since. Who would have thought a Black and Mexican woman would find each other on the other side of the world. I am also the mama of a beautiful Blackican baby girl and enjoying queer motherhood!
I have traveled all around the world to over 35 plus countries. I have worked for Semester at Sea (Dream Job!), lived in four different states, and manifested more than 100 things off my Bucket List. I received my BA in Social Work with a minor in African and African American Studies from Wright State University. My masters is from the University of Dayton in College Student Personnel, and my PhD is from Iowa State University in Education (Higher Education) with an emphasis in Social Justice and a minor in Women's Studies, Qualitative Research Methods, and College Teaching. I have been serving in leadership roles in various professional associations, presenting at numerous conferences, and serving as an equity and social justice consultant for over 15 years.
I'm an associate professor at California State University Fullerton in the Department of Educational Leadership. I'm a member of our Black Faculty and Staff Association and support all things connected to Black success. My research focuses on equity and access, identity development, and the educational history of Deaf students, faculty, and staff with a particular interest in the intersections of race, gender, and disability. I'm an active member of the Association for the Study of Higher Education and the National Black Deaf Advocates.
Strengths Quest
Achiever, Connectedness, Context, Strategic, & Learner