Lissa Ramirez-Stapleton, Ph.D.
Image by Kayla Kosaki
IG: yukieillustrates
Peer Reviewed Articles
Ramirez-Stapleton, L.D., & Duarte, D.* (2021). When you think you know: Restorative justice between a faculty member and a Deaf + student. New Directions in Student Services, 1-16. https://doi: 10.1002/ss.20374
Johnson, S.G., Stapleton, L.D., & Berrett, B. (2020) Deaf community cultural wealth among community college students. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 25(4), 438-446,
Stapleton, L.D., & James, L.* (2020). Not another White study: Challenging color-evasiveness ideology in disability scholarship. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 33(3), 213-320.
Stapleton, L.D. & Nicolazzo, Z. (2019). Greek life reimagined: Deaf culture and mainstream Greek life. New Directions in Student Services, 165, 87-98. doi:10.1002/ss.20289.
Peña, E., Stapleton, L.D., Brown, K., Stygles, K., Broido, E., & Rankin, S. (2018). Scholarship and Assessment of Disability Experiences in Higher Education: Emerging perspectives. College Student Affairs Journal, 36(2), 1-14.
Bhavsar, G.P., Grote, K.G., Galvan, M.C., Tyutina, S.V., Guan, S.A., Stapleton, L.D., & Knotts, G. (2018). Evaluation of first-year faculty learning communities on teaching effectiveness and scholarship: An exploratory study. Journal of Faculty Development, 32(2), 1-8.
Stapleton, L.D., & Croom, N.N. (2017). Narratives of Black d/Deaf college alum: Reflections on intersecting microaggressions in college. Journal of Student Affairs, Research and Practice, 54(1), 15-27. doi: 10.1080/19496591.2016.1204308.
Peña, E., Stapleton, L.D., & Schaffer, L.* (2016). Critical disability student development theory. New Directions of Student Affairs, 154, 85-96. doi:10.1002/ss.20177.
Stapleton, L.D. (2016). Audism and racism: The hidden curriculum impacting Black d/Deaf college students in the classroom. The Negro Educational Review, 67(1-4), 149-168.
Stapleton, L.D. (2015). When deafness is centered: d/Deaf students of color navigating Deaf and racial identity in college. Journal of College Student Development. 56(6), 570-586.
Stapleton, L.D. (2015). The disabled academy: The experiences of Deaf faculty at predominantly hearing institutions. Thought & Action. 31(2), 55-69
Gillon, K. & Stapleton, L.D. (2015). Your story ain’t got nothin to do with me or does it? The experiences of Black female faculty who mentor White female students. Journal of Critical Scholarship on Higher Education and Student Affairs. 1(1) 35-49.
Book Chapters
Stapleton, L.D. & Gillon, K.E. (2020). Audism and hearing privilege within higher education: A snapshot into the lives of diverse Deaf communities. In Howard-Hamilton, M., Hinton, K., Brown, G., & Davenport, M. (2nd ed.), Unleashing suppressed voices on college campuses: Diversity issues in higher education (pp. 27-43). New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Osborne, L.,* Stapleton, L.D. Herrington, J.*, Hayes, A.** (2019). Unlocking the doors: Overlapping identities within Black Deaf communities. In Harris, J., Darris, M., Garvey, J., Porter, C., & Perez, R., Case Studies for Student Development Theory: Advancing Social Justice & Inclusion in Higher Education (pp.95-97). Routledge.
Brown, K., Peña, E.V., Broido, E.M., Stapleton, L.D., & Evans, N.J. (2019). Understanding disability frameworks in higher education research. In J. Huisman and M. Tight (Eds.)., Theory and Method in Higher Education Research. (Vol 5., pp. 19-36). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Public Scholarship/Reports
Schley, S. & Ramirez-Stapleton, L.D., (2021). Lessons from segregated schools can help make today’s classrooms more inclusive. The Conversation.
Ramirez-Stapleton, L.D., Garrow, W., Jones*, M., & Ruffin, J*. (2021) Where are the interpreters of color? Understanding the racial diversity in interpreter programs series. StreetLeverage.
Ramirez-Stapleton, L.D. (2020). Are meltdowns okay? Making room for feelings in the social justice revolution! Center for Teaching & Learning.
Ramirez-Stapleton, L.D., Garberoglio, C.L., Watson, M., & Clark, K.A.* (2020). Going beyond the data: Anti-blackness at school and work. National Association of the Deaf magazine.
Stapleton, L. D. (2019). Putting (dis)ability back into Black History Month. Center for Teaching and Learning on the Cutting Edge.
Garberoglio, C. L., Stapleton, L.D., Palmer, J. L., Simms, L., Cawthon, S., & Sales, A. (2019). Postsecondary Achievement of Black Deaf People in the United States. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes.
Vaccaro, A., Lee, M. Kimball, E., Cox, B., Abes, E., Banerjee, M. Broido, E., Brown, K. Crawford, L., Kim, E., Kraus, A., Madaus, J., Marine, S., Miller, R., Newman, L., Peña, E., Stapleton, L.D. Webb, T., Wells, R., Wessel, R., Zilvinskis, J. & Locklin, B. (2018, October). Making disability visible in higher education research: Documenting qualitative, quantitative and theoretical issues and solutions. A report was submitted to the Spencer Foundation.
Vaccaro, A., Kimball, E., Cox, B., Lee, M., Zilvinskis, J., Wessel, R., Wells, R., Webb, T., Stapleton, L.D., Peña, E., Newman, L., Miller, R., Marine, S., Madaus, J., Kraus, A., Kim, E., Crawford, L., Brown, K., Broido, E., Banerjee, M., Abes, E. & Locklin, B. (2018, October). A research agenda for quantitative, qualitative, and theoretical higher education disability scholarship. A report was submitted to the Spencer Foundation.
Eickman, J., Stapleton, L.D., Papazis, E., Jensen, M., & Firkins, C. (2015). Deaf studies community service: Jamaica crews 2008, 2009, 2010. Conference Proceeding from Deaf Studies Today! Engaging Theory and Action, Orem, Utah: Utah Valley University.
Art Based Scholarship
Stapleton, L.D. (2019). From apartheid to today: Black Deaf activism, culture, & education in South Africa. [PhotoVoice Exhibit]. Northridge, CA: California State University.
Stapleton, L.D. & Ontiveros, M. (2016). Justice can’t wait: Deaf people of color seeking change through the arts [Art Exhibit]. Northridge, CA: California State University.